Education Material

The teaching material is currently only available in Danish.

The teaching material is intended to convey the exhibition of Fotografisk Center as well as provide opportunities for learning in a different framework. The material contains a number of questions for each artist's works and a number of evaluative questions in relation to photo and video art in general as well as the exhibition's – and its themes - impact on the students.

The exhibition's teaching material allows the students to analyze the use of visual media by various representations of the main theme of the exhibition. In addition, they must also reflect on the function and potential of contemporary art in society. Students will have the opportunity to discover other ways to view the world, in which they are asked to take a critical stand on their own opinions and experiences. The teaching will thus be able to increase the students' cultural awareness and critical attitude to topics that are widely debated today: such as climate changes, gender roles throughout history, human relations with nature and much more.

Target Group

The target group for this material is primary schools (7th - 10th grade), high schools, HF students and similar.


The exhibition deals with themes that are relevant in Danish, media subjects, visual arts, philosophy, geography, history and social studies.

Areas affected
Photo and video art, the human effect on nature, the mythology of the explorer, climate changes, cultural heritage, gender etc.

Learning objectives
The learning objetives are gathered from the mentioned subjects and contain inspiration from each subject's learning goals.




